Launching a book · My Thoughts

Why Is It Hard to Resign?

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I am a workaholic, and I have been given the opportunity as of late to resign from and cut back from a couple time-consuming commitments. In all reality, I think this is a God thing, doing for me what I could not do for myself. Being busy has been my mantra for years. I’ve told my recovery friends for years that this issue HAD to be dealt with and finally it has come crashing to the surface!

I have been on the Branson-Trinchera Reunion Committee for 26 years for the school in my hometown, Branson, CO, and I resigned today. Why is that so hard? I have loved this activity and enjoyed the work I’ve done. I think I felt connected with my Dad after he died by keeping the reunion going. I worked hard over the years doing a variety of the jobs that were needed each year to make the event successful. I didn’t resign from the reunion committee because I was mad or upset–I just knew it was time.

I’m moving out of a leadership role in our square dance community in Albuquerque, NM and that’s hard, too. I want to keep my finger in the pot and have my ideas considered, but when you are not the one in control, you have no voice about what happens, and I have to accept that.

So the life’s lesson for me today is one that is pretty simple–change is the only constant! Yes, I will stay involved in both the reunion and the square dance community, but I will be a quiet observer now, not a mover and shaker! And that’s OK! There’s a new mover and shaker waiting in the wings to take over.